All LUKI products are made in small batches or to order. We do not use the same equipment or craft our products concurrently with other materials and products. We practise strict hygiene and safety protocols when crafting soap, candles or wares. All our ingredients and characteristics are listed in full on our website. For our soap, please read the ingredients carefully (present on our website and packaging) and be aware of any possible allergies or irritations. Discontinue use immediately if any allergy or irritation occurs. Consult a doctor if symptoms persist. We like to advise cautaion for individuals with sensitivities, especially when using new products. We will not responsible for any reaction to any particular ingredient in our products. Due to the nature of our handcrafting process, our bars may slightly differ in size, color and intensity of scent. However, we try our best to replicate our original recipe to perfection. Our soap bars have a shelf life of four months from it’s date of purchase, please be aware that the scent and color of each bar will change and become milder as time goes on.

For our candles, they are made in small batches or made to order. All our ingredients and product specifics (scent, net weight, burn time etc.) are found on our website and packaging. Our candles contain a cautionary tag below the jar, which can be removed during use. Different individuals have different tolerances when it comes to scent and smoke. Please be aware of any possible allergies or irritations when smelling or lighting/using a candle product. Discontinue use immediately if any allergy or irritation occurs. Please adhere to fire-safety protocols all the time, douse the flame when not in use.

For our wares, they are made in small batches using concrete mix (cement, water, sand, sealant, wax etc) in calculated amounts to reduce wastage. Due to a myriad of factors which include expertise, availiabity of materials and more, concrete is our current go-to material. We are still researching and experimenting with enviromentally friendlier options such as jesmonite. We try our best to reduce waste and only use what is required. All our wares are cured in air and water for at least seven days, and then sealed and/or waxed to ensure a longer lifespan.

Product Matrix

Take a look at our full product matrix available in PDF below. This contains all our various products and characteristics compressed in one single document.